
Q1.Our brand has a unifying idea with an identifiable story that is effective at the brand level and the demand level, creating a connected customer/prospect experience along the buyer journey.
Q2.Our creative idea is globally unifying and universal from brand marketing to regional and local marketing teams giving us a consistent customer experience around the world.
Q3.Our brand always develops crafted, proprietary imagery rather than relying on stock imagery in marketing.
Q4.We have a distinct and ownable thought leadership position that enables us to create differentiated and positively provocative content and commentary confidently and consistently.
Q5.Our marketing teams have a culture of creativity driven by the belief that creativity in marketing experiences drives long-term brand strength and business growth.
Q6.We use multiple qualitative, quantitative and business performance metrics to gauge creative effectiveness.
Q7.Within our marketing organization up to the c-suite, creativity (and creative effectiveness) is considered a strategic asset that is helping lead our business into the future.
Q8.We have a creative culture that’s effective across the entire creative spectrum from big campaign ideas to content marketing at every stage of the buyer journey.
Q9.We have a marketing culture that celebrates creative achievements and winning awards is important to the team, our management, our agency partners - and important to all of our respective personal and collective professional success.
Q10.Our marketing team has final say on creative ideas and ideas do not become diluted or made less impactful by stakeholders outside the marketing function.

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About Stein IAS

Stein IAS are the B2B Originals, the leading global brand-to-demand agency working with B2B enterprises worldwide. Through our Original Growth Model, we weave data, intelligence and disruptive technology together with big, bold ideas to drive brand progression and revenue growth.
